Sanrio Wiki has moved from ShoutWiki. Account creation is closed to prevent spam on a company typically seen in the West for its children's media. If you want an account here (or to activate your old ShoutWiki account here) it is suggested (though you have free will) get your parent/guardian's permission to use the Internet, and contact EvieMelody (X, formally Twitter) re: account creation or article requests.

Note: Sanrio Wiki is not official and is not run by Sanrio Co., Ltd. or related parties. This wiki uses some low resolution content (images, short sound clips) to describe articles, under fair use (for the purpose of illustrating and describing an article only). All rights are reserved by Sanrio and related parties.

Sometimes this wiki may be a little slow, other times it is faster. This is likely server related. On such days, you may want to stockpile edits offline for later.

See also: Sanrio Wiki:COPPA

Sanrio Wiki:Wall of fan works

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This page explains one or more Sanrio Wiki policies, guidelines and/or projects.

The wall of fan works is a place to share all your unofficial Sanrio creations! It also serves as an all-inclusive place to document others' creations (apart from any which promote hate).

Please note out of courtesy it isn't allowed to upload an image, audio clip, etc. if talking about a creation which isn't yours, though you can link to their official site/posts of the creation uploaded by themselves. (General resource sites noted as 100% free are exempt to this rule, if the work doesn't infringe a fan artist. Video game and animation screenshots are also excempt from this rule.)

In order to write about the fan work, create any page under the title Sanrio Wiki:Wall of fan works/(Insert anything you want here).

For any discussions about this section of the site, see Sanrio Wiki talk:Wall of fan works.

If you like, feel free to create an article on the wall not in English but in your native tongue/any language you prefer.
