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I Wanna Wuki-Wuki Time

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Thumbnail from Daisuki! Hello Kitty

I Wanna Wuki-Wuki Time (meaning "I want to have a cheery time") is a Sanrio song. It was featured as an OP for Daisuki! Hello Kitty. The ending song was Tenkamuteki no Artist.



キラピカ 星のパズル 一人じゃ出来ないから
みんな みんな 遊びに来て ワイワイ ドキドキランド

ロマンチックより バセリチックより メロンチックに
へんちくりんな 魔法 いっぱい おぼえたいよ
IWanna WukiーWuki Time いつでも ドキドキさせて
みんな 大好きよ


シャボンの夢がさめて なんだか さみしい夜
おぼえたての 魔法ひとつ I LOVE YOUを となえたよ

電地の切れた星も 半分だけの月も
みんな みんな 笑顔になる ニコニコ ワクワクランド

プラスチックより ポテトチップスより おとぎチックに
トホホ涙も すぐに消えちゃう 夢を見せて
I Wanna Wuki-Wuki Time ハートが 踊ればきっと
みんな ともだちよ

ロマンチックより パセリチックより メロンチックに ヘんちくりんな 魔法 いっぱい おぼえたいよ
I Wanna Wuki-Wuki Time いつでも ドキドキさせて
みんな 大好きよ


Kirapika hoshi no puzzle hitori ja dekinaikara
Min'na min'na asobi ni kite waiwai dokidoki rando
Romanchikku yori paserichikku yori meronchikku ni
Henchikurin'na mahou ippai oboetai yo
I Wanna Wuki ー Wuki Time itsudemo dokidoki sasete
Min'na daisuki yo


Shabon no yume ga samete nandaka samishii yoru
Oboetate no mahou hitotsu I LOVE YOU o tonaeta yo

Denchi no kireta hoshi mo hanbun dake no tsuki mo
Min'na min'na egao ni naru nikoniko wakuwaku rando

Purasuchikku yori potato chippusu yori otogichikku ni
Tohoho namida mo sugu ni kie chau yume o misete
I Wanna Wuki-Wuki Time hāto ga odoreba kitto
Minna tomodachi yo

Romanchikku yori paserichikku yori meronchikku ni
Henchi kurin na mahou ippai oboetai yo
I Wanna Wuki-Wuki Time itsudemo dokidoki sasete
Min'na daisukiyo


Shiny star puzzle / it can't be done alone, so
everyone, come here to play / in this land of laughter and surprise

RomanTIC-and-the-ParsleyTIC-and-the-MelonTIC (TN: these are magic chants. Try not to make sense out of it.)
Cute little magic, I wanna learn lots of them (TN: へんちくりんな is roughly "unusual and little", but "unusual" is literally just that, without the slight negative connotation in English)
I wanna look forward in anticipation with a big grin
I love everyone


Waking up from a dream of bubbles, in a night a bit lonely
I chanted a magic I remember, "I LOVE YOU"

Whether it's the stars that ran out of battery, or the moon with only a half
Everyone puts on a happy face / in this land of smiles and anticipation

PlasTIC-and-the-PotatoCHIPS-and-the-FairytaleTIC (TN: ...Fantasy-tic? FantasTIC?)
The sad tears are gone in no time / I am having a dream
I wanna put a big smile on me / If my heart is dancing, then surely
Everyone is my friend

Cute little magic, I wanna learn lots of them
I wanna look forward in anticipation with a big grin
I love everyone





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