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Sanrio Timenet: Kako-Hen and Mirai-Hen

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Sanrio Timenet:
Kako-Hen and Mirai-Hen
Developer(s) Imagineer (Timenet)
Publisher(s) Imagineer
Director(s) Imagineer: Motoaki Tanigou,
HOLON: Sakuramaru Yamada, CROSS)
Producer(s) Hidenori Ueno (Imagineer)
Composer(s) Jirou Koumoto
Release date(s) Japan November 27, 1998

Japan May 1, 2000
(Nintendo Power cartridge service)
Genre Role-playing game (monster battling)
Platform(s) Game Boy Color
Player mode(s) 1-2 players (communication e.g. battling)
Serial code(s) DMG-ATPJ-JPN (Kako-Hen),
DMG-ATFJ-JPN (Mirai-Hen)

(Context: Some of the dangerous notice is concerning the manga, not the games themselves. However, some of the Monsters learn moves based on blood, such as Blood Gas)

Sanrio Timenet (Japanese: サンリオタイムネット) is a monster-battling game developed by Imagineer for the Game Boy Color, which is also compatible with the Game Boy. It was released only in Japan on November 27, 1998.

It was released in two editions, named Sanrio Timenet: Kako Hen (Japanese: 過去編) and Sanrio Timenet: Mirai Hen (Japanese: 未来編); literally Sanrio Timenet: Past and Present Edition.

There are small differences between the versions, including different available monsters and each version being originally set in its respective time periods (past for Kako-Hen or future for Mirai-Hen).

Players build up a team of creatures ("monsters"), often by catching them using items known as Get Cards (or later in the story, a Digital Camera) and use them to battle against other creatures.

The games support the Game Boy Game Link Cable; which can be used to battle with other players and exchange information. Pictures of monsters and Sanrio characters met in the game can be printed using the Game Boy Printer.

According to an insert with Pocket Hello Kitty, a Nintendo 64 entry in the series called Sanrio Timenet World was planned but never released.[1]


Time was flowing properly in the world of Timenet, the home of the Old Man of Time, thanks to the Pillar of Time which is responsible for the flow of the past, the present and the future. However, due to the work of someone, the Pillar of Time was broken into small pieces and the world was divided into the past and the future.

The protagonist receives an email from the Old Man of Time, who explains the situation and requests that he or she helps save the world of Timenet by collecting the Time Fragments, before the flow of time is permanently lost.

This game features a hero and rival and at the beginning of the game the player can either choose a male or female hero as the protagonist. The other character will act as the rival.

The rival will race the player to change the world of Timenet back to its original state, and will act as the player's rival at various points in the game. Soon after, the Old Man of Time takes the player to the world of the past (Kako Hen) or future (Mirai Hen). For some reason, the protagonist can hear a girl exclaim "help me" while travelling...


The world of Sanrio Timenet in the past, as seen from above (source: manual).


The following locations are areas that can be accessed both with by foot/bicycle and by the Earth Watch — a late game item that allows warping.

Location (past) Location (future)
Field Bio Farm
Sky Village Sky City
Big City Big Ruins
Tower Tower
Quiet Forest Camp Jou
Forest Inner Area Forest Inner Area
Streamlet Canal
Pond Reservoir
Port Town Bay City
Puroland Puroland
Shin Tairiku Wasurerareta Tairiku


Location (past) Location (future)
Flower Garden ?
School ?
Tower Tower
Basement Cave ?
Forest Inner Area Forest Inner Area
Pond Reservoir
Storehouse ?
Pirate Ship ?
New Iceberg Ancient Iceberg
Sea Temple ?
Bay Dungeon Bay Dungeon
Uranium Mine Uranium Mine
Ghost House Ghost House
Vinyl House Vinyl House
Mars Tower Mars Tower
Mysterious Shrine Mysterious Ruins

Other locations

Location (past) Location (future)
Game Center Game Center
Mars Mars


As either a male or female character, the player travels the world of Sanrio Timenet battling with monsters. On their adventure, they will encounter many Sanrio characters; some who are important to the story. Some Sanrio characters will battle the player with monsters, and at the end of the battle the player gets to select one of the enemy monsters to keep.

The goal of the games is to help save the world before the flow of time is permanently lost. The player must fill up the Pillar of Time to 100% by collecting 161 monsters. The player can also collect special watches. The monsters do not have to be unique to fill the Pillar of Time.

In their quest, the player must travel to the future (Kako Hen) or the past (Mirai Hen) but after beating the game, they can no longer time travel. Depending on whether the player is in the past or the future, the names of places are different as well as monsters and which characters appear.

Near the end of the game, the player finds out the identity of the villain who destroyed the Pillar of Time and confronts her on Mars.


At the beginning of the games, the player has a choice of one of three starting monsters ("bodyguards") at level 1. The available bodyguards differ between Kako-Hen and Mirai-Hen.

In Kako-Hen

In Mirai-Hen

Illusory monsters

Illusory monsters are monsters in Sanrio Timenet: Kako Hen and Mirai Hen that cannot be obtained normally in game without an official distribution or a cheating device.

Packaged with the games was a 'campaign' sheet where players could send for the illusory monster Stardust. The illusory monster Time Surfer can be seen after the splash screens before the title screen.

Character list

Sanrio Timenet: Kako Hen and Mirai Hen have a "character data" menu which documents the roles of Sanrio characters as they appear in the games. The list is as follows.

Hangyodon notably does not appear, but he was included as a rare monster in Mars Tower, and he has two evolutions; Great Hangyo and Hangyodon Robo. He is one of the only first-party Sanrio characters to appear as a monster and not a regular character, another is Gerara.

List entry Character Japanese name Universe
No. 1 Bad Badtz-Maru バッドばつまる Bad Badtz-Maru
No. 2 Good Hanamaru グッドはなまる Bad Badtz-Maru
No. 3 Pandaba パンダバ Bad Badtz-Maru
No. 4 My Melody マイメロディ My Melody
No. 5 Gimmefive1 ギミーファイブ1 Gimmefive
No. 6 Gimmefive2 ギミーファイブ2 Gimmefive
No. 7 Gimmefive3 ギミーファイブ3 Gimmefive
No. 8 Gimmefive4 ギミーファイブ4 Gimmefive
No. 9 Gimmefive5 ギミーファイブ5 Gimmefive
No. 10 PickeBicke ピッケビッケ PickeBicke
No. 11 Puwawa プワワ Puwawa
No. 12 Keroppi けろっぴ Kerokerokeroppi
No. 13 Keroleen けろりーぬ Kerokerokeroppi
No. 14 Goro ゴロ Goropikadon
No. 15 Pika ピカ Goropikadon
No. 16 Don ドン Goropikadon
No. 17 Terumi てうみ Rururugakuen
No. 18 Tuxedosam タクシードドサム Tuxedosam
No. 19 Pochacco ポチャッコ Pochacco
No. 20 Dwarf1 ドゥワーフ1 Seven Silly Dwarfs
No. 21 Dwarf2 ドゥワーフ2 Seven Silly Dwarfs
No. 22 Dwarf3 ドゥワーフ3 Seven Silly Dwarfs
No. 23 Dwarf4 ドゥワーフ4 Seven Silly Dwarfs
No. 24 Dwarf5 ドゥワーフ5 Seven Silly Dwarfs
No. 25 Dwarf6 ドゥワーフ6 Seven Silly Dwarfs
No. 26 Dwarf7 ドゥワーフ7 Seven Silly Dwarfs
No. 27 Maiko まいこ Rururugakuen
No. 28 Naomi なおみ Rururugakuen
No. 29 Tomo とも Rururugakuen
No. 30 Twee Dee1 トウィーディー1 Twee Dee Drops
No. 31 Twee Dee2 トウィーディー2 Twee Dee Drops
No. 32 Twee Dee3 トウィーディー3 Twee Dee Drops
No. 33 Monkichi もんきち Osaru no Monkichi
No. 34 Tetsunagikuma ねつなぎクマ Tetsunagikuma
No. 35 Dra-kun ドラくん Youkai Kids
No. 36 Majou-chan まじょうちゃん Youkai Kids
No. 37 Miira-kun ミイラくん Youkai Kids
No. 38 Patty パティ Patty and Jimmy
No. 39 Jimmy ジミィ Patty and Jimmy
No. 40 Pokopon ぽこぽん Pokopon's Diary
No. 41 Ohanachan おはなちゃん Pokopon's Diary
No. 42 Peter Davis ピーターデイビス Peter Davis
No. 43 Mimic Mike ミミックマイク Mimic Mike
No. 44 Tiran ティラン WeAreDinosaurs!
No. 45 Tera プテラ WeAreDinosaurs!
No. 46 Bront ブロンット WeAreDinosaurs!
No. 47 Pekkle ペックル Ahiru no Pekkle
No. 48 Vanillabean バニラビーン Vanillabean
No. 49 Bogo ボゴ Bogo The City Boy
No. 50 Gatorgags ゲーターギャグズ Gatorgags
No. 51 Peppy ペッピー PataPataPeppy
No. 52 Pikke ピッケ PataPataPeppy
No. 53 Papī パピー PataPataPeppy
No. 54 Minna no Tābō たあぼう Minna no Tābō
No. 55 Nezumikozou ねずみこぞう Bo-Bokunezumikozoudai!
No. 56 Kingyo-chan きんぎょちゃん Hangyodon
No. 57 Angel Kitty エンジェルキティ Hello Kitty
No. 58 Baby Kitty ベビーキティ Hello Kitty
No. 59 Kiki キキ Little Twin Stars
No. 60 Lala ララ Little Twin Stars
No. 61 Toki no Roujin ("Old Man of Time") ときのろうじん Timenet (third party)
No. 62 Zakkī ザッキー Unknown
No. 63 Monster Zakki モンスターザッキ Donragon
No. 64 White Zakkī ホワイトザッキー Unknown


Please see List of monsters in Sanrio Timenet: Kako Hen and Mirai Hen for a list of monsters.

Sanrio Timenet: Kako Hen and Mirai Hen feature 161 collectible monsters, as well as event monsters known as Monster Zakki and White Zakkī who may be unobtainable.

Unlisted characters

  • Male protagonist - This character (the other option being the female protagonist) can either be the main protagonist or rival and is named by the player. As the primary protagonist, he received an email from the Old Man of Time explaining the crisis in his world. As the rival, he races the player to change the world of Timenet back to its original state. He is a brown haired boy (although his sprite has a green palette in the game) with a helmet who wears a blue shirt and has blue roller blades.
  • Female protagonist - See above. She is a brown haired girl with a helmet who wears a pink shirt and has pink roller blades.
  • Hello Kitty - Hello Kitty runs second hand shops in various places. She can also be found in an inn north-east of Camp Place, where she heals the player.
  • Nurse Kitty - Nurse Kitty runs recovery centers in various places.

Staff credits


Director: CROSS
Scenario: Sakuramaru Yamada


Character Design: Hisato Inoue


Executive Producer: Shintarou Tsuji
Graphics Adviser: Yuuko Sakiyama


Executive Producer: Takayuki Kamikura
Supervisor: Seiji Tashiro
Producer: Hidenori Ueno
Product Manager: Keiko Ishikawa
Director: Motoaki Tanigou
Sales Manager: Nobuhiro Nakano, Yoshikazu Watanabe
Marketing Manager: Kaichirou Mitsuzawa
Promotion Manager: Tadashi Horikiri
Advertising: Junichi Matsumoto
Programmer: Masaki Hirao, Tetsuya Motoyama
Graphics Designer: Chinaō Seki, Yoshio Tanaka, "Gyouten", "Umiumi", "Kenni"
Music Composer: Jirou Koumoto
Coordinator: Katao Rinokata, Shin Yama
Coordination Support: Jun Hayashi
Monitor: Anko Kamiya, Miko Ootsuno, Matakichi Senkou

duplex inc.

Package Design: Shigenari Douzono

Special Thanks

Yuuko Mori, Yasushi Kamegai, "Everyone who gave us Hello Kitty"



Main article: Bouken Jikuu Timenet.
CAUTION: The following article has received the safety notice. For more information on why this may have received the notice, see Category:Articles which received the safety notice.

A Japanese manga series based on Sanrio Timenet without first-party Sanrio characters known as Bouken Jikuu Timenet (literally "Adventure Space-Time Timenet") was produced by Sakuramaru Yamada with illustrations by Hiroshi Soya. It was serialized in Shogakukan's "Elementary School Fifth Grade" and "Elementary School Sixth Grade" magazines starting from 1999. The manga was collected in two booklets (tankōbon).

Bouken Jikuu Timenet is notable for its 'off-color humour' that many may find offensive, abusing themes including blood, nudity (censored) and near-death experience.

The manga features the protagonists Tōru and Ēru. Tōru and Ēru are based on the male and female primary protagonists of Sanrio Timenet, respectively.

The manga is copyrighted to Timenet, a subsidiary of Imagineer.


Note: This article contains information which has been already leaked; violating a non-disclosure agreement or pertaining to theft. The founder asserts in her opinion while documenting a past leak (with strictly no personal details) over two years old is good for transparency and a full representation of Sanrio-related themes, any other use (or accessing the leak itself for copyrighted media) is illegal. If you are the copyright owner and want to leave a message (such as taking down content) please see the contact information here.
  • The game prevents the player from naming the rival the same name as the protagonist.
  • Due to a glitch, the Jetboat item may be unusable when accessing the event items by pressing Select from the Start screen. A sure way to use it is by accessing the event items list by instead pressing B from the overworld.
  • A fan translation of Sanrio Timenet: Mirai Hen was started but never finished. The translation is not accurate to the original text.
  • Tose; a "ghost developer" said to have contributed in the development of over 1000 video games is assumed by some to have been involved in the development of the games. Sound effects in this game are shared by titles such as TOSE's Densetsu no Starfy for Game Boy Advance. In TOSE's 2001 corporate guide there is a large picture of games with their box-arts obscured. One of the games is believed[2] by GDRI (a small video game development research community) to be Sanrio Timenet: Mirai-Hen. However, there is no confirmation.
  • There are two hidden revisions of the games, v1.0 and v1.1 (also known as Rev 1). Rev 1 fixes the above Jetboat item glitch.
  • Both versions could also be installed on a Game Boy Memory Cartridge (via the Nintendo Power cartridge service) starting from May 1, 2000. However, Nintendo's official page "Role-playing software for Game Boy: 2" stopped listing it some time after August 25, 2005 (May 20, 2006 or earlier).[3][4] Until August 31, 2001, games were written on the cartridge using a Game Kiosk writer at Lawson convenience stores in Japan. After this, Game Boy Memory Cartridges had to be sent into Nintendo. However, for the latter it is not clear if Nintendo accepted this game. Nintendo Power was fully terminated on February 28, 2007.

See also

External links
